Curious about how we can work together? Here are 4 different ways that I can support you on your journey:
1 - My signature 4-week KICKSTART 1 on 1 coaching program:
Kickstart your journey to feeling empowered around food and your body!
Throughout the 4 weeks together, you will receive:
90 minute intake session - where we start working on unpacking your experience with food and body image, while laying a solid foundation upon which we will build in the coming weeks
Weekly 60 minute sessions for the remaining 3 weeks - where we delve deeper into reframing your thoughts and beliefs around food and your body, and work on making habit changes from a place of self-acceptance
Summary emails after each session with follow-up homework exercises
Unlimited email and/or text support for the duration of the program
A welcome package and workbook which includes journal prompts, affirmations and recipes
The Kickstart program will help you to:
Understand that HOW you EAT is as important as WHAT you eat
Learn how to consider adding foods to your meals, instead of restricting any foods and food groups
Understand the impact of restriction and how the brain responds to this and keeps you stuck in diet/restrict/binge cycles
Examine your current body image and help to cultivate a more positive one
Evaluate your current toxic nutritional beliefs and how those might be impacting your eating experience
Learn to identify and sit with different emotions as they arise and become more in tune with the related sensations in your body
Explore self-care activities and other ways to calm your nervous system to avoid operating from a chronic state of stress
Explore thought work and changing persistent negative thoughts to more empowering ones
Learn to focus on the overall journey and to celebrate all of your small wins along the way
Following our work together you will feel more empowered to:
Cultivate positive meal experiences and the ability to choose foods that leave you feeling satisfied and nourished
Feel comfortable allowing all foods without holding on to the “on the wagon/off the wagon” thoughts
Embrace your body as it is now, while discovering and honouring your amazing qualities that have nothing to do with your appearance
Practice self-compassion and curiosity when your decisions are not aligned with your goals, instead of guilt and shame
Identify how you are feeling in a given moment and what you need to support yourself other than food
Spend time in your day, and before meals using strategies to regulate and calm your nervous system
2 - My deep dive 12 week 1 on 1 program:
This program is very similar to my 4 week program. However, it gives us an opportunity to go a lot deeper. As true change takes time, I find that these three months allow us to reprogram your long-held beliefs around food and your body and set you up for lasting success.
3 - 1 hour coaching sessions as needed:
This is for you if you aren’t quite ready to commit to a full program, however you want to start addressing your binge eating, emotional eating, or weight loss goals without committing to another diet.
SESSION COST: $150/hour
4 - In the moment support:
This is my newest offer and I am SO excited about it. I have worked with enough of my own naturopaths, nutritionists and coaches to know that after a session you feel ready to take on the world. Yet as your session ends, you realize you are once again on your own.
Specifically where food and body image is concerned, one day can feel like FOREVER in terms of talking yourself off the ledge….for eating something you feel bad about, catching a bad angle in the mirror, meeting up with friends and having NOTHING to wear that you feel good in…
For all that, I got you!! With this option of working together, you have unlimited text/voice note access to me so we can come off the ledge together. Texts will be answered as real time as possible, however at certain periods of the day, it may take a couple of hours to respond.
If needed, you are also able to have 2 15 minute calls per month.
PROGRAM COST: $175 for the intake to discuss your goals and triggers, followed by $250/month for the in the moment support
Schedule a complimentary 30 minute call with me to hear more about any of these options